What is communication?
Commination is a message sent to receiver with effective feedback. The message is clear, concise and understood. The message can be sent with different channels, e-mail, text, Facebook, social networking, cellphone and even face to face. Communication is 90 % of the problems with teams and companies. Be proactive and improve your communication. Communication is a key to team building.
212° The Extra Degree The 212° concept is one of the most powerful communication ideas that I have experienced in my 30 years as an entrepreneur.
A few years ago, Sam Parker and I wrote the Simple Truths gift book titled 212°: The Extra Degree.
It has been successful beyond my wildest dreams!
If you're not familiar, here's the idea: Check out the 212° The Extra Degree
collection of books, frames and gift sets!
At 211 degrees...water is hot.
At 212 degrees...it boils.
And with boiling water, comes steam.
And steam can power a locomotive.
And, it's that one extra degree that...
Makes all the difference.
So many times, in business and in life, it's that one extra degree of effort that separates the good from the great.
What I love about the 212° idea is that you can use it to fit your own needs. It may be 212° service that you'd like to reinforce, or 212° attitude, leadership, or quality. Or maybe, you'll choose to build your entire culture around the 212° concept...to differentiate you from your competition.
The real beauty of 212° is the simplicity of the idea. Once explained...everybody gets it. And once you get it...it's hard to forget!
By the way, when you click on the link to 212 - The Extra Degree with FREE DVD The Extra Degree, you'll have the opportunity to view the 3 minute inspirational 212° movie. I strongly encourage you to take a couple minutes and watch this inspiring video.
For more information, to look inside this great book or to watch the 3 minute inspirational movie, just click here.
Make sure to share this email with your friends, family and co-workers. They'll thank you for it!
At 211°, water is hot. At 212 - The Extra Degree with FREE DVD, it boils. That one extra degree makes all the difference. Are you content with just being pretty good? Or are you ready to go the extra degree?
There's a reason this movie has been watched by thousands of people. Make sure to pay it forward,212 - The Extra Degree with
What is communication?
Listening skills
What is communication?
Communication Assessment
What is communication?
Communication skills
What is communication?
Assertive communication skills
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10 book Leadership Desktop Collection
Gift Set-Simple Truths Sample w/Dvds
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