Supplies: You will need quarter-round simulated wood trim sticks (enough for each person on team) that you would use to cover wall corners. You will also need a marble and a stopwatch.
Distribute the trim sticks to each person or your may past out to pairs. Ask everyone to form a circle. Explain to the team the object of this game is to move the marble form point A to point B, and then return the marble back to point A. You will need to keep track of the time. Challenge each team try the exercise several times and to try and improve their score each time. This exercise promotes process improvement.
This demonstrates teamwork, support, leadership AND COOPERATION. This activity also builds mutual support and trust. You will need bandanas for blindfolds.
Break each team into groups of four. Ask for a volunteer from each group to be blindfolded. One person in each group is the designated leader. The other two people assist the leader to make sure the blindfolded person is safe and does not walk into anything. The leader then gives instructions to the blindfolded person, guiding them from point A to point B. Each walk should take from 3-5 minutes. After the first walk, the team needs to switch roles so that everyone in the group has a chance to be the leader and also to be blindfolded. Different routes should be used each time
Divide teams into sub groups. Tell them they will be acting out a name, title, from each of the five categories. The five categories are famous person/people, movie, city, book, and television show. Give each sub-group time, about ten minutes to practice each of their five charades. Each group will then act out their charades. The remainder of the team, working together, tries to guess each charade.
After all the charades are completed the entire team should decide which group did the best job. The team should debrief why the group did so well with their charades. This game builds cohesiveness in a work team
Looking for a Scavenger Hunt? Look no further. This comprehensive site has loads of free scavenger hunt games including: ideas for a scavenger hunt for kids, teens and adults, free stuff for teachers and nature scavenger hunts. There's also summer camp ideas and fun outdoor activities for kids.
Great idea for teambuilding: Click here now, Scavenger Hunt Guru
Supplies: 1 bowling ball, one 3 to 6 foot rope per person, and a milk crate
Explain to the team that the object of this exercise is to movie the toxic dinosaur egg (bowling ball) back to its nest (milk crate), so that the egg’s mother will not get upset. The egg is toxic so team members cannot touch the egg. The ropes have been treated with radiation so they can touch the egg. Team members can only use one hand on the rope, to move the ball back to the nest. The team needs to get the egg back as soon as possible before the Mother dinosaur gets mad
Description of a team Understanding Exercise Equipment: Paper and pen/pencil per participant; Hat, tin or bag.
Time: ~5 minutes + 1-2 minutes per participant, e.g., 15-20 minutes for a group of 10.
Brief description: People write personal fears anonymously on pieces of paper which are collected. Then each person reads someone else's fear to group and explains how the person might feel. Set an appropriate tone, e.g., settled, attentive, caring and serious.
Circle games for Team building
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