Papparazzi Challenge Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt Team Building

Get Those Cameras Ready To Capture Some 'Interesting' Moments!

•30 minutes to 1.5 Hours

•Great for Small Team Work and Getting Staff a Little Active

•Guaranteed Fun

The Papparazzi Challenge Scavenger Hunt is a fun team challenge that has participants 'Challenging' themselves and each other to generate the most points by completing a range of dares and 'capturing' the resulting moments on camera. Learn more , click here

Armed with a list of 'Dares and Challenges' and a digital camera, participants need to score as many points (complete dares and capture photographic evidence) as possible within the required time frame. The 'Dares' are a range of fun, team based challenges that have elements of team work, community awareness, social engagement and pure sillyness!

The team who generates the most points within the required time frame is the winner!

You can run Papparazzi Challenge through your office, around the city or even within your local shopping precinct.Papparazzi Challenge

How will each team go? Will they have a strategy or simply go for the FUN stuff? and why is there a picture of a male wearing knee high boots?

Papparazzi Challenge is a lot of fun, easy to run and lite on the organisation! Click below for more info;


To help you run a fun and highly interactive session we give you an easy to follow 13 Step By Step Process. Take it one step at a time and that way there is no chance of missing anything!

The Step By Step Process Includes:

'How To' Video Instructions - This is a really easy activity to run. To make it even easier we have supplied a number of 'How To' videos to help you organize and run Papparazzi Challenge.

'How To' Videos include: •Easy to follow instructions on How To Prepare and Set Up the Activity

•How to create excitement amongst your team before the activity even starts •PLUS MORE!!!

Written Instructions - When you purchase Papparazzi Challenge you will receive instant access to a series of written instructions that are are easy to follow and provide you with the confidence and knowledge to run your own team activity.

You will receive:

•How to Prepare and Set Up the Activity •How to Create Teams and Get People Excited before the Activity even starts •A pre-prepared Shopping List •List of 'To-Do's' Prior and the Day of the Activity •An Activity Running Sheet •PLUS HEAPS MORE !!!

All Printable Props and Templates - This will save you time, energy and money. Simply print the props and worksheets and away you go.Papparazzi Challenge

Printable Props and Templates include: •Customizable Dares and Challenges Checklist •Activity Instruction Sheets (for participants) •Participant Invites •Team Sheets •PLUS HEAPS MORE!!!

Activity Brief 'Power Point' Slide Show To make it even easier to run Papparazzi Challenge you will receive the Activity Brief (rules) as a Powerpoint Slide Show. All you do is go through each slide, hand out the props and the activity is on it's way!

Papparazzi Challenge is so easy to run and guaranteed of creating laughter, fun and interaction.

Online Coaching and Support - Got a question or want to bounce an idea off of us...Simply send us an email and we'll help you run a great team activity.Buy today,
Papparazzi Challenge

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