Grow Your Team Think about it. Are there any other affiliate programs on the Net that offer high commissions, lifetime customers, over 70 deep-linked landing pages, and a powerful toolbox of help like the 5 Pillar Club?
Best of all, the SiteSell 5 Pillar Affiliate Program is a two-tier program. That means sales by members of your team can increase YOUR commissions. Growing and developing your team just makes sense. Learn about SBI, click below:
Top 5 Pillar Affiliates, who earn 4-to-5 figure monthly incomes, derive 25-33% of their total from their Teams (and similar levels from lifetime, Repeat commissions). To learn details of how your share of team member commissions is determined, take a look at the Affiliate Agreement and/or the Orientation Guide.
How does someone become a member of your team?
When someone joins the 5 Pillar Program while wearing your cookie, they're on your team. It's that simple.
How Do They Find Out About The 5 Pillar Program?
Just about every SiteSell landing page has a link at the top that says "Affiliates" or some variation on that theme. Clicking on the link takes visitors to the Affiliate Registration Page. This page explains the 5P Program and provides the registration form.
That's the "passive" way. SiteSell generates affiliates for you even if you sent people for another purpose! But there's an "active" way, too. You can drive the growth of your team. How?
Send folks directly to the Affiliate Registration Page using your RR URL. That way you can be sure they're added to your team. You can find the RR URL for that page at the Promotion Center. You can also find your RR URL in the Alphabetic List Of All RR URLs (look for the subdomain, near the top).
The Income-Generating Power Of Promoting The 5 Pillar Program The more team members you have, the more commissions you stand to make. So spend some time growing your team and helping them become as successful as possible. How do you do that?
If your target market is interested in online marketing or small business, many of your site's visitors could be interested in joining the 5P Program. As one of the best affiliate partnerships, the 5P program is attractive to anyone considering affiliate monetization.
If your site is not about internet marketing, it's possible your site visitors are not familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing. Once they understand the benefits, they may be eager to sign up...
No products to sell directly
No orders to process
No customers to support
Free to join
No Web site required
Once someone with a little interest in affiliate marketing sees the details of the best affiliate program on the Net they'll be ready to become YOUR partner-in-sales. Why do they become "yours"? Here's the key point...
When they register for the 5P Program, your Temporary cookie becomes a Permanent Cookie. And that means two big income boosts for you...
Boost #1) You earn a commission when they purchase SBI!, including renewals and additional sites (over 50% of SBI! owners buy more than one site). Click here for more on SBI:
And a good percentage of affiliates DO ultimately buy SBI!, for two reasons...
Their non-SBI! sites UNDERdeliver compared to SBI! They decide to build another site, this time trying SBI!. Once they do that, they never look back!
Boost #2) You also earn a percentage of the commissions earned by ALL your Team Members. And that really adds up.
No doubt about it, growing your team by promoting the 5 Pillar Program is a high-yield way to increase commissions.
So you earn lifetime commissions from all their purchases, not just from the second tier sales!
Strategies For Growing Your Team OK, let's start keyboard-clicking and turn theory into dollars...
1) Create a page on your site or write an article that explains the affiliate concept.
A page on your site that explains affiliate marketing just might motivate your visitors to join. Anyone considering an online business should know about affiliate marketing. You'll be doing them a favor by enlightening them. Here are some resources for developing content for that page or article.
The SiteSell Affiliate Marketing page
Wikipedia page on Affiliate Marketing
The affiliate model
Perhaps, for example, in that article you talk about what makes a great affiliate program. In your conclusion, you recommend your favorite three on the entire Net. Like Allan Gardyne does on this page, you rank SiteSell's 5PP as #1 and you explain why.
Everyone clicks on #1 -- that's why it's important to name two others (perhaps even in non-marketing niches, mentioning that the 5P Program even shows you how to be a great affiliate, no matter what niche you choose).
At the end of your article, challenge your visitors to find another affiliate program that compares to the 5P Program. Then conclude with a link to this URL...
Spread that article to sites like,, and
Viral marketing techniques such as this one are a great way to spread the word around the Internet.
2) Provide the Affiliate Masters Course as a download on your site.
The Affiliate Masters Course has been the bible of affiliate marketing for a long time. There are two powerful way to use it to build your Team...
Send them to your RR URL for
Use Free Book Build It! to create a personalized version of that book with your RR URL links built into the PDF. Clicks from within the book result in your cookie being written. Read this article on how to get the most out of Free Book Build It.
Either way...
When visitors with your cookie join the 5 Pillar Club, your team grows!
A Major (But Often Overlooked!) Benefit Of Promoting The Affiliate Masters Course (AMC)
One of the main benefits of providing the AMC to your potential affiliates is that you give them a strong chance of success. This course truly helps them succeed. And the more they succeed, the more commissions you make, too!
3) Coach your team.
Every time a new affiliate joins your team, you get an email (please click here to verify that we have a valid, up-to-date address for you). When you get that notification...
Be sure to respond with a welcome to the 5P Program and offer your help. Prepare one nice copy-and-paste e-mail. This only takes a few seconds, but over time will develop solid relationships with some of your team (many won't reply -- don't worry about it).
TIP: Include a link to the Affiliate Masters Course. They'll become a better affiliate and ultimately are more likely to realize that SBI! is right for them.
Also, e-mail your entire team periodically. How? Go to the Team Earnings and Coaching Section of the 5P Club. See the Export as comma-separated text file button at the bottom? Click on it to receive a text file of the e-mail addresses of all your Team members. Now...
Coach them! For example...
Have you found a neat strategy or tool that really works well? Have you found a great article in the Marketing Guide? Share it with your entire Team. You'll both benefit!
Don't be discouraged if they don't respond. Enough will, to make a difference to your bottom line. And the rest?
Many affiliates, like most people "intending" to do anything, sign up with the best intentions but never get around to actually doing. But, as mentioned, enough will. So...
Keep encouraging everyone on your Team with regular emails. And, of course, share your success. You'll inspire the "do-ers" to greater heights and you just might inspire the "non-do-ers" to "join in" and start making some commissions, too.
As you see "early stars" emerge on the Team Earnings part of the Team Earnings and Coaching Section of the Club, build more personal, one-on-one relations with them. Those folks will become your team's big stars some day and contribute handsomely to your monthly 5 Pillar check.
A two-tier program like the 5 Pillar Program is far from common. Take advantage of this great opportunity by growing and supporting your team.
E-mail a welcome to every new member.
Check regularly who's on your team at the Team Earnings and Coaching Section of the Club. Use the Export button to coach them all by e-mail regularly.
Build one-on-one relationships with those who prove themselves as up-and-coming stars.
This small effort will repay itself many times over in commissions for years to come.
Goooooooo Team!
Dream , Dream Big! SBI can help you grow your team today ! Click here:
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